New Series, New Book, and More
This episode will be a bit different because I’m going to be taking a short pause. But before I do, I have some fun things to share about what you can expect when I come back for the next season of the BTFT podcast.
cultivate a devotional life you love
Hey there friend!
Grab a cuppa and let’s chat.
This episode will be a bit different because I’m going to be taking a short pause. But before I do, I have some fun things to share about what you can expect when I come back for the next season of the BTFT podcast.
Today, I’m sharing a fun and meaningful way to speak life over people using their birthdays and scripture. This is not only a wonderful way to bless others, but it’s also a beautiful opportunity to spend time with God as you seek out these verses.
When we declare His promises over our lives, we are aligning ourselves with His will and inviting His power to work within us. Speaking these promises out loud reinforces our belief and trust in God, helping to activate His plans in our lives.
Figisms aren’t just sayings, they’re nuggets of truth that can reshape how we approach our devotional life and our relationship with God.
It’s a simple act, but it’s become a game between Holy Spirit and me. And that game has trained me to pay attention to the thoughts that pass through my mind. When a thought comes that doesn’t express hope or love, I’m challenged to turn it around.
Think of Scripture Cultivations as your monthly inspiration for different ways to spend time with God through His Word.
“I am loving this podcast! Thank you for digging into God’s Word with this podcast. I love the 3 ways to dig deeper. I have never read different translations before, so I appreciate these tips.”
Claiming Simplicity
“So thrilled to discover Rose’s show. Grateful for short episodes that teach me that I have time for a relationship with God ”
Kim Steward
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thank you!
Looking for a cozy spot to share your devotional journey? Come hang out with us in the Figs Community Facebook Group!
It’s all about connection, encouragement, and celebrating those “aha” moments with God. We’re here to support each other and speak life into one another.
Grab a cuppa and come on over!
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