Biblical fasting is one of those practices that sometimes seems shrouded in mystery—something ancient and sacred, and a bit intimidating. It’s one of those spiritual rhythms that we may hesitate to try because we’re not sure exactly how we’re supposed to do it, or how it truly connects us to God. Wherever you are in your journey, this episode is an invitation to explore fasting in a way that feels approachable, meaningful, and centered on drawing closer to God.
Every year as Lent approaches, I find myself asking a couple of questions:
Is there something You want me to fast this season, Lord?
And what do You want me to focus on during this time?
A quick note, I don’t fast only at Lent, but Lent seems a good time for us to chat about it.
Fasting is about more than just giving something up—it’s about intentionally making room for God. It’s a way to quiet the noise, humble our hearts, and lean in closer to hear His voice.
Maybe you’ve asked those same questions, or maybe fasting feels unfamiliar or even a little intimidating. Wherever you are in your journey, my hope is that this episode will encourage you to see fasting not as a burden, but as an opportunity to draw near to God.
Interestingly, as I was reflecting on fasting, God seemed to underscore this focus by bringing it up at church just a few Sundays ago. My pastor’s words added depth to my understanding. So, this episode will be a combination of what God has been teaching me and what He spoke through her.
What Fasting Is—and What It Isn’t
Let’s start by talking about what fasting is and what it isn’t.
- Something we do to earn God’s favor or to check off a box
- Something we do to force God’s hand or manipulate Him to give us what we want
- The example my pastor gave was a vending machine. “God is not a vending machine where we put in a prayer, pull the lever (by fasting), and then God dispenses our desires.”
- Something we do to lose weight or exercise our will
Biblical fasting is meant to always be connected with prayer and humility. Fasting without prayer and humility is just skipping meals.
- A purposeful practice that helps to quiet the flesh, quiet the noise around us, and tune into God’s voice.
- A way to open space for God to move in our hearts, deepen our faith, and sharpen our spiritual focus
- An invitation to experience God in a more meaningful way
It’s also important to remember that fasting looks different for everyone. Some people fast food, others fast things like social media, TV, or even coffee. If you’ve ever struggled with disordered eating, fasting food might not be what God is asking of you, and that’s okay. God cares more about the posture of your heart than what you’re giving up.
One of the areas I hadn’t thought to share was reasons why we fast. That is, until that Sunday morning. My pastor actually shared several reasons, but I’m going to talk about 4 of them here.
- To gain wisdom or understanding
- Sometimes we need clarity—a light in the fog of decision-making or wisdom to understand a situation. Fasting creates space for that clarity to emerge.
- Biblical Example: In Daniel 9:13, Daniel fasted while he was seeking wisdom and insight from God
- For confessing sin
- Fasting humbles us, helping us see our sin in the light of God’s grace and bringing us to a place of heartfelt repentance.
- Biblical Example: In 1 Samuel 7:6, the Israelites fasted as part of their repentance, confessing their sins before the Lord.
- For seeking direction
- When faced with big decisions or uncertain paths, fasting sharpens our spiritual ears to discern God’s guidance.
- Biblical Example: In Ezra 8:21, Ezra called a fast to seek God’s guidance and protection for their journey.
- To humble yourself and allow God to purify your heart
- Biblical fasting is often linked with prayer and a posture of humility before God.
- Biblical Example: as seen in Psalm 35:13.
Whatever your reason for fasting, it’s always about creating space for God to work—whether it’s bringing clarity, drawing you closer to Him, or refining your heart.
If you’re curious about fasting but unsure where to start, I have a few suggestions to make the practice more approachable and meaningful:
- Start small: If the idea of fasting an entire meal or day feels overwhelming, try a partial fast. Maybe skip one meal or fast from a specific type of food or drink.
- Fast beyond food: If fasting food isn’t possible or feels daunting, consider fasting something else that consumes your time or attention. Social media, TV, or even a particular hobby can be meaningful substitutes.
- Have a focus: Choose a verse or prayer focus for your fast. This gives purpose to your time of abstaining and keeps your heart anchored.
- Set reminders: Use the hunger pangs, urges to scroll, or moments of discomfort as a reminder to turn your thoughts to God. You can even set daily alarms on your phone as reminders to pause, pray, and refocus. You can choose any times that you’d like or that would be good times for you to pause a moment, focus, and pray. Another idea is to set your alarm according to your focal verse.
For example, if you’re fasting to gain understanding and your focal verse is Daniel 9:13, you can set your alarm for 9:13. That will not only be a reminder to pause and pray but also to read or meditate on the verse.
Let’s talk about grace, because fasting is a journey, not a performance. If you forget and accidentally break your fast—maybe you eat something out of habit or scroll through your phone without thinking—don’t let guilt take hold. Instead, let it be a gentle reminder to turn your heart back to God. Thank the Holy Spirit for the nudge and keep moving forward. Remember, fasting isn’t about perfection; it’s about seeking God with your whole heart, one step at a time.
Biblical fasting is always linked with prayer and Scripture. To help you connect more deeply with God during your fast, I’ve put together a Scripture Cultivations list that corresponds with different reasons you might be fasting. These verses are like anchors—steady, grounding, and rich with God’s promises. You can meditate on them, journal about them, or turn them into prayers as you walk through this season. Let God’s Word be your guide and your comfort.
There’ll also be some other helpful ideas and tools for fasting.
And last year, I created a Scripture Cultivations list for Lent. I’ll include the link for both in the show notes.
As we reflect on fasting and creating space for God, I want to offer a way we can journey through Lent together. If you’re fasting this year, I’d love to support you by praying for you throughout the season.
Feel free to send me a message and share a little about your fast. You can let me know what you’re fasting, why you’re fasting, how you’re seeking God during this time, or anything else you’d like me to keep in mind as I pray.
I’ll add you to my prayer list and commit to lifting you up over these 40 days. And as I pray, if God places a verse, prayer, or word of encouragement on my heart for you, I’ll share it with you.
Fasting isn’t just about what we give up; it’s about Who we draw near to. And it’s a journey we don’t have to walk alone. Let’s encourage one another, pray for one another, and seek God together this Lent.
As we close, I want to invite you to take a moment and ask: ‘Lord, is there something You’re inviting me to fast during this season? How might You be drawing me closer to You?’
Fasting is an invitation—a chance to slow down, make room, and meet with God in the quiet. Whether this is your first time fasting or just another step in your journey, may this season be filled with grace, peace, and a deeper awareness of His presence.
Thanks so much for spending these moments with me today.
And if you haven’t already, be sure to check out my monthly Scripture Cultivations—these are thoughtfully curated tools to help you engage with God’s Word in meaningful and creative ways.
If you’re new here and wondering what Scripture Cultivations are all about, check out Episode 19. I’ll include links for that episode in the show notes too.
Thank you for being here today and for letting me walk alongside you in your devotional life. Until next time, may your journey with God be rich, intentional, and filled with grace.
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If you’re new to the Figs Community, you may be wondering why I call them Scripture Cultivations instead of a Scripture Writing Plan or Scripture Reading Plan. Hop on over to this page to find out more.