Introducing Beneath The Fig Tree

Welcome to Beneath The Fig Tree. I’m so glad you’re here.

I’m Rose, your hair-down, take-you-by-the-hand, gal-pal slash mentor that can’t wait to share loads of inspiration, tools, and encouragement to help you cultivate the kind of meaningful relationship with God that you’ve always longed for but didn’t know how to make happen.
…because I’ve been there. 

Spending an hour every day- in the very special, set-apart place- reading the Bible and praying. That is one wayto spend time with God.

…but it isn’t the only way.

…any more than saying the only way to spend time with your bestie is to: Go to dinner, Watch a movie, Then stop for a late-night coffee.

That is one way to hang out with your gal-pal, but it isn’t the only way.

That’s where I come in, comfy jeans on/Bible caddy loaded with tools. 

All Genevieve Gorder meets Elizabeth Gilbert with a teeny-tiny bit of Beth Moore mixed in.

I spent so many years wanting desperately to feel close to God the way my friends seemed to. It felt like they all had the secret passcode to get “in” and I didn’t.

If you’re still listening, I’m betting you’ve asked yourself some of the same questions I did.

  • Is there something wrong with me?
  • Am I not spiritual enough?
  • Do I just not have enough willpower and self-discipline?

The answer to every single one of those questions is NO. But I lived in that agonizing place for most of my adult life.

But one day, I realized something had changed. I had changed. 
My relationship with God had changed.

Little by little, God started showing me what shifted and how to keep growing closer to Him…and love every single step along the way.

Then, I started teaching other women how to cultivate their own friendship with God. How to recognize the ways God relates uniquely with them – because He does. 

And I would be honored to walk alongside you and help you cultivate a devotional life that you actually love and look forward to, too. A spiritual practice that fits the way God uniquely made you

Your relationship with Him won’t look like mine. 

How you most love spending time with Him won’t be the same as it is for me…or maybe it will. 

Hang around here long enough, and I’ll teach you how to discover that for yourself.

One of my MOST favorite things in life is seeing women light up when they have their own “aha” moments with God.

Ready To Be One Of Those Women?

Well, my friend, welcome to Beneath The Fig Tree where we’ll talk about all things devotional life. 

Each episode will be short and offer inspiration, tools, and easy ideas to help you cultivate a devotional life you actually love and look forward to. The kind of spiritual practice that actually transforms your relationship with God.

Between episodes, here’s where you can connect with me and other women on the same journey.

Facebook Group

Beneath The Fig Tree: Figs Community is YOUR community to learn, explore, and grow in friendship with God alongside other women.
It’s what you were meant for.


If videos are your cuppa tea, hop on over to the Beneath The Fig Tree YouTube Channel. I’ve created lots of step-by-step videos on all kinds of devotional life topics. And more are in the works.

Facebook & Instagram Pages

The Beneath The Fig Tree Facebook & Instagram pages are fun little spaces where you’ll find tidbits of inspiration, creative ideas, and behind-the-scenes looks at all things Fig Tree-ish.

Let’s cultivate a devotional life you love…like really love.

It is possible and it’s easier than you think.

Talk to ya soon, Fig!


Rose Jordan BeneathTheFigTree

hey there!

I’m Rose and I’m so glad you’re here. Like, really a lot! 
I can’t wait to share loads of inspiration, tools and ideas to help you cultivate the kind of meaningful relationship with God you’ve always longed for but didn’t know how to make happen.
Beneath The Fig Tree mail

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Bible Caddy Tools for more Inspiration

Guide to Listening Prayers

Listening Prayers: Quiet the Soul and Learn to Hear God

Unlike other forms of prayer where we might be more focused on sharing our requests or even worshipping God – both of which He invites us to do– in Listening Prayers we pause in quiet stillness, creating space for God to speak into our hearts. This is a time for intentional listening, where we set aside our words and let God lead the conversation.

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Fasting to Encounter God's Heart

Fasting to Encounter God’s Heart

This time of year, known as Lent, many of us find ourselves in a season of fasting, abstaining from various comforts or habits for the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. But even if Lent isn’t part of your spiritual rhythm, fasting remains a timeless practice that holds immense potential for bringing us closer to God.

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Episode 24 New Series, New Book

New Series, New Book, and More

This episode will be a bit different because I’m going to be taking a short pause. But before I do, I have some fun things to share about what you can expect when I come back for the next season of the BTFT podcast.

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Birthday Blessings & Bible Truths

Birthday Blessings and Bible Truths

Today, I’m sharing a fun and meaningful way to speak life over people using their birthdays and scripture. This is not only a wonderful way to bless others, but it’s also a beautiful opportunity to spend time with God as you seek out these verses.

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