New Series, New Book, and More

Hey there friend,

This episode will be a bit different because I’m going to be taking a short pause. But before I do, I have some fun things to share about what you can expect when I come back for the next season of the BTFT podcast.

Rose Jordan | Beneath The Fig Tree | heart

Thank you!

First, let me just say THANK YOU!!! This first season has been incredible, and I’ve been absolutely blown away by your kind words of support through podcast reviews, YouTube comments, and private messages. I’m so blessed and grateful that these episodes have encouraged and inspired you as you cultivate a devotional life you love and look forward to.

Season 2

I’ll be back with a brand-new episode on Monday, October 7th, and I’ll continue with new episodes on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. And guess what? Season two will have a fun new surprise!

New Podcast Series

I’m starting a new series on the podcast called ‘1,000 Little Ways,’ where we’ll hear from women all over the world about their favorite ways to spend time with God. My heart is to help you discover new ideas to explore and experiment with in your own devotional life. While I have LOTS of ideas, I’ve been chatting with others who have some really great ideas, and I want you to hear them.

So, the first Monday of the month, I’ll be coming to you solo with our usual cultivation ideas. And on the third Mondays, I’ll be introducing you to new friends and new ideas for spending time with God.

New Book

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this on the podcast yet, but I’m one of ten authors on a book collaboration set to release in October. This summer, I’m finishing up my draft and edits, which are due to the publisher on September 9th. I can’t wait to share more about that with you! If you’re on the Figs List for my monthly emails, I’ll be sharing more about the book in my September email.

If we’re not yet email friends, I’ll drop that link in the show notes. This is where I send special invitations, news and updates, episode previews, and all the free downloads. It’s our own quiet corner of the internet for catching up and dishing all the good stuff.

Figs Gatherings

This fall, there’ll be some special opportunities to gather in-person and online.

Figs Gathering

Book Launch Party/Signing: Once I have a firm date on the book release, I’ll plan a fun book signing event here in my hometown of Mineral Wells, Texas. And if you’re in North Carolina, there will be a big book launch party with all the authors. I’ll share the details for both when I have them.

Workshop & Retreat: The book is designed to help guide you towards a life filled with joy and purpose, and in my chapter, I’ll be sharing a reflective and creative approach to starting the New Year in connection with God.

I’m excited to offer opportunities to gather in-person and work through the ideas I’ll be sharing in the chapter. I’m working on plans for both half-day workshops and a 2-3 day retreat. This is in the early stages, so stay tuned for more details.

Online Figs Gathering: On August 15th at 6:00pm CST, Valerie and I will be back in the Figs Community Facebook group, speaking words of encouragement over everyone who shows up. These are always so much fun, and I love getting to see you all encourage each other in the comments too! What a blessing.

If you’re not yet a part of the Figs Community, may I invite you to join us? I’ll drop that link in the show notes too.

Fig Faves During the Pause

While you wait for the next season of the podcast, I want to make sure you have valuable content to enjoy. I’ll be leaving links to some of the most popular videos from my YouTube channel before I started this podcast journey.

Warning, my most watched video of all time is on Verse Mapping and it’s from 2018. So, no judging!!! Hopefully, next year, I can refilm the whole 119 Bible Bootcamp Series. But I get more emails and comments from that episode than any other, so I can’t delete it.

I’m sharing another popular video from the 119 Bible Bootcamp Series and it’s on Color Coding.

And the other two links are Scripture Cultivations episodes on Embracing a New Season and Trusting God With Your Dreams.

fitting, right?

Stay Connected

Though I won’t be dropping new Podcast or YouTube episodes till October, I’m not going into hiding. You can stay connected through the Figs Community Facebook group and through the Fig Leaf, my monthly email.

Those are the places I’ll be updating with details on all the things I’ve shared today. Thank you so much for being part of this journey with me. I can’t wait to reconnect in October!


Rose Jordan BeneathTheFigTree

hey there!

I’m Rose and I’m so glad you’re here. Like, really a lot! 
I can’t wait to share loads of inspiration, tools and ideas to help you cultivate the kind of meaningful relationship with God you’ve always longed for but didn’t know how to make happen.
Beneath The Fig Tree mail

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