Scripture Cultivations Explained

So, you’ve been hanging out with us on the podcast for the last few months, hearing me chat away about Scripture Cultivations. But if you’re new to the Figs community and haven’t been to the website or Facebook group, you probably have no clue what Scripture Cultivations are.

Well, today, I’m going to explain.

You’ve likely seen scripture reading plans or scripture writing plans. And Scripture Cultivations look similar because they are similar, but even though they CAN be used as a writing or reading plan, they’re actually much more.

Think of Scripture Cultivations as your monthly inspiration for different ways to spend time with God through His Word.

But what exactly are Scripture Cultivations, anyway?
They are a list of verses centered around a theme, much like other reading/writing plans you may have seen before. Here are a few things that make these different:

  1. They won’t be dated or numbered because I never want you to feel unnecessary pressure of following some arbitrary timetable. Your relationship with God doesn’t have a schedule.

    And if you need convincing, you can go back two episodes and listen to Episode 16: There’s No Such Thing As Behind. No stressing about missing a day or worrying about a date on a list.

  2. You can read the verses on the list, you can write them out (because sometimes putting pen to paper just hits different, right?), you can write out the parts that really resonate with you and journal about them. The point is, you decide what helps you most connect with God…in this season. And you can do that with any list you find. There are lots of them on Pinterest.
  3. Each month, the Scripture Cultivations will also be accompanied by a YouTube Video, a podcast, and other ideas and resources to help you encounter God’s Word.
  4. And if you’re in the Figs Community Facebook group, you can share your experience with other women on this journey of growing closer to God.
  5. Also, if you follow Beneath The Fig Tree on Facebook or Instagram, you’ll find mini-cultiavtions and other ideas and inspiration to accompany the monthly Scripture Cultivations

My heart is to give you lots of ideas, tools, and inspiration but you get to choose your own adventure. You decide what works best for you in this season of your life.

Feel like diving deep? Go for it! Just have time to read one or two of the verses? That’s totally okay too.

No pressure, no deadlines, just you, your Bible, and God in the way that makes the most sense for you.

Pro tip: Print out the Scirpture Cultivations each month and pop ’em into a binder, you’ll have them when you need them. Trust me, you’ll thank me later when you need a verse on a particular topic.

Also, if I haven’t created one for the topic you’re looking for, please let me know. I want to create the resources that are most helpful for you and your suggestions will help me decide what topic to do next.

So, you may be wondering how to get these handy dandy Scripture Cultivations. Well, the easiest way is to sign up for the Figs List and I’ll send it all right to your inbox at the beginning of each month. The printable list, the YouTube Video, the Podcast. All of it. I’ll put a link in the show notes for you.

For those of you that don’t love giving out your email, I totally understand. You can click on the show notes for the episodes and I’ll drop all the links there. And in case you’re wondering…it’s all free.

So, you ready to jump in? Whether you’re craving a scripture writing plan, a reading plan, or just some good ol’ inspiration for ways to connect with God, our monthly Scripture Cultivations are a great resource to help you fill your heart with all the goodness of His Word.


Rose Jordan BeneathTheFigTree

hey there!

I’m Rose and I’m so glad you’re here. Like, really a lot! 
I can’t wait to share loads of inspiration, tools and ideas to help you cultivate the kind of meaningful relationship with God you’ve always longed for but didn’t know how to make happen.
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