The Fig Tree Story

It was his custom, his spiritual practice, to spend time in prayer and meditation in the shade of his fig tree.

In the secret place.
Just him and the God he had not yet seen in person but longed to meet.

He lived from a place of seeking and waiting for Jesus to come.
Jesus saw those deep longings of Nathanael’s innermost being. 

Jesus sees those longings in your heart too and He yearns for a face-to-face encounter with you too. 

The fig tree is both

a symbol of our devotionthe place people went to pray and meditate, and

a symbol of the coming Messiaha time of peace, prosperity, provision, and physical presence

Beneath The Fig Tree was birthed with the first in mind. A place of devotion, of prayer, of digging deep into and loving scripture, and of seeking a tangible relationship with God. It was later that I realized Nathanael’s encounter with Jesus also provided a path to a deep, meaningful, tangible friendship with God.

John 1: 45-51

v. 45
Philip went to look for his friend, Nathanael, and told him, “We’ve found him! We’ve found the One we’ve been waiting for! It’s Jesus, son of Joseph from Nazareth! He’s the One whom Moses and the prophets prophesied would come!”

I count it an overwhelming joy and honor to share with you… 
“I’ve found Him! I’ve found that relationship with Him that we’ve always longed for.”

Nathanael sneered, “Nazareth! What good thing could ever come from Nazareth?” Philip answered, “Come and let’s find out!” 

…and help you uncover and prune those wrong mindsets that keep you from seeing Him clearly.

v. 47
When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said, “Here comes a true son of Israel—an honest man with no hidden motive!” 

…and help you learn to hear Him as He speaks your true identity over you…

v. 48
Nathanael was stunned and said, “But you’ve never met me—how do you know anything about me?” Jesus answered, “Nathanael, right before Philip came to you, I saw you sitting under the shade of a fig tree.”

…so you can discover how He relates to you in a unique and personal way…

v. 49
Nathanael blurted out, “Teacher, you are truly the Son of God and the King of Israel!”

…and seek Him in the truth of who He is…

v. 50 
Jesus answered, “Do you believe simply because I told you I saw you sitting under a fig tree? You will experience even more impressive things than that!

…because it just gets better and better from there!

Here's what we do around here

Lay down the guilt & shame

Give yourself some grace and get rid of the stinkin’ thinkin’ because until you can get past the guilt over whatever your devotional life looks like right now, you’ll have no room in your heart to explore and find new ways to connect with Him.

Discover how you best relate to God

Every relationship is unique and that’s what makes them special. Your relationship with God is no different. So, let’s find out your favorite ways to spend time with God.

Cultivate a devotional life you love

Find tons of inspiration, ideas, encouragement, and FUN ADVENTURES that will help you develop the kind of relationship with God that you’ve always longed for.

Ready to a cultivate devotional life you really love?

Grab a cuppa, friend, and let’s chat.


Rose Jordan BeneathTheFigTree

hey there!

I’m Rose and I’m so glad you’re here. Like, really a lot! 
I can’t wait to share loads of inspiration, tools and ideas to help you cultivate the kind of meaningful relationship with God you’ve always longed for but didn’t know how to make happen.
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