Gratitude Expressed

Gratitude may not change the circumstances around you, but it most certainly changes how you perceive and respond to them.

Communal Exchange

He wants our surrender to be less of a purging and more of a communal exchange. Linger with Him and let Him do His kind and gentle work in you.

If there’s a topic you’d love for me to dive into, just pop over to my contact page and let us know!

Snoopy Socks | Beneath The Fig Tree Podcast

Snoopy Socks & Sacred Speech

It’s a simple act, but it’s become a game between Holy Spirit and me. And that game has trained me to pay attention to the thoughts that pass through my mind. When a thought comes that doesn’t express hope or love, I’m challenged to turn it around.

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faith does

Faith Does

In Hebrews 11, Paul recounts story after story celebrating the people who had great faith. But recently, I read the chapter in a different translation, and I saw with completely new eyes. The emphasis wasn’t on the people, but on the amazing influence of their faith. Their faith in God gave them courage and perseverance, helped them to trust and obey, gave them strength to endure.

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Other Apps for Your Devotional Life

There are lots of helpful apps, but here are a few companions from my spiritual journey. From scripture memorization to prayer aids, journaling to health and wellness from a biblical perspective, I have several suggestions for you.

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Rose Jordan BeneathTheFigTree

I'm Rose

Hey there, friend!

I’m so glad you’re here. Like, really a lot!