Gratitude Expressed

Gratitude may not change the circumstances around you, but it most certainly changes how you perceive and respond to them.

Communal Exchange

He wants our surrender to be less of a purging and more of a communal exchange. Linger with Him and let Him do His kind and gentle work in you.

If there’s a topic you’d love for me to dive into, just pop over to my contact page and let us know!

devotional life

Knowing God

  I knew about God.  But He was really just the God on a page, the God in the stories, the God in some distant place looking down on His creation.  The amazing feats He orchestrated were for all people collectively, not individual people.  He was real, but He was not personal.

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quiet time with God | Beneath The Fig Tree

Communal Exchange

He wants our surrender to be less of a purging and more of a communal exchange. Linger with Him and let Him do His kind and gentle work in you.

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Beneath The Fig Tree mail

Perfect Love

Understanding “love” is a life-long pursuit that won’t end till we get to Heaven. But it’s a worthy quest with great treasures along the way.

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Rose Jordan BeneathTheFigTree

I'm Rose

Hey there, friend!

I’m so glad you’re here. Like, really a lot!