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Quietude & Stillness

Quietude & Stillness

There is so much “noise” begging for our attention and sometimes, we create the noise ourselves. But there exists a sacred space — the Quiet. The Quiet, when embraced, can be a powerful conduit for hearing God’s voice and for stilling our souls. It’s in moments of solitude and stillness that we can experience His presence and peace in profound ways.

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Who God Says I Am | Beneath The Fig Tree

Who God Says You Are

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated

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devotional life

Knowing God

  I knew about God.  But He was really just the God on a page, the God in the stories, the God in some distant place looking down on His creation.  The amazing feats He orchestrated were for all people collectively, not individual people.  He was real, but He was not personal.

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Beneath The Fig Tree love letter from God

Love Letter From God

My child I know everything about you, I took great care in creating you and I made you perfect, my masterpiece. I created you in my own image,

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quiet time with God | Beneath The Fig Tree

Communal Exchange

He wants our surrender to be less of a purging and more of a communal exchange. Linger with Him and let Him do His kind and gentle work in you.

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