Feasting on Truth: A Better Way to Start Your Day

The floor is cold beneath my feet as I step into the kitchen, flipping on the tea kettle with a quiet click. Steam curls into the air as I reach for my simple, white mug, the warmth of it settling into my hands moments later. I sink into my recliner, tucking my Snoopy blanket around me, content to sit in the quiet.

But before I can even take a sip, the thoughts begin their slow, creeping tide.

I’m so tired.
I don’t want to go to work today.
There’s too much to do, and I don’t have the energy for any of it.

I don’t say the words out loud, but I don’t have to. My body already knows them.

My jaw tightens. My shoulders creep toward my ears, the tension curling around the back of my neck. The weight of too much to do presses down before the day has even begun. And with it, a quiet dread settles in—coloring everything before I’ve taken a single step.

It’s automatic now, this murmuring under my breath—complaints woven into my morning routine like muscle memory.

I’m not lying.
am tired.
My to-do list is long.

But I’ve started to notice something: rehearsing these thoughts doesn’t lighten the load. It adds weight to it.

A guest speaker at church recently told a story about a friend who had been out jackrabbit hunting. He described how the wounded rabbit cried out in pain, its sharp whines piercing the stillness of the desert. And then he said something that stopped me cold—

The sound was drawing in predators.

The jackrabbit wasn’t alone in its suffering. The coyotes had heard it. And they were coming.

I couldn’t shake the image.

Feasting on Truth Instead of Grumbling

When I grumble, when I let negativity frame my day, what am I attracting? What am I feeding?

Scripture tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3).

But what about our complaints? What do they invite?

James 1:8 warns about the instability of a divided mind. And I feel it—torn between reality and Truth. The reality? My plate is full. The Truth? If God called me to this, He will equip me for it. My divided mind only slows me down, draining the very strength I need.

But what if, instead of feeding exhaustion, I feasted on truth and gratitude?

What if, before my feet hit the floor, I whispered—
Lord, You are my strength. I trust You with this day.

*I’ve been doing this lately and it is making a difference.

Because negativity is exhausting, but feasting on Truth renews.


For the Heart

What thoughts have you been rehearsing lately? Are they nourishing your spirit or depleting it?

For the Spirit

Father, forgive me for the ways I have fed my frustration instead of feasting on Your Truth. Help me to notice when my words and thoughts are drawing me toward weariness rather than toward You. Fill my heart with gratitude, and realign my mind with what is true. Amen.

For the Journey

Today, when you catch yourself slipping into complaint, pause. Find one small thing to thank God for in that very moment. Let gratitude reshape your thoughts, and see how it shifts your day.

Want to Explore More About Feasting?

If this devotional resonated with you, I’d love to invite you to go deeper. This month, I’m exploring what it truly means to feast on truth—shifting our focus from lack to abundance, from frustration to faith.

📖 Read the blog
🎧 Listen to the podcast
📺 Watch the YouTube video

And to help you put this into practice, you can download this month’s Scripture Cultivations and Feasting on Philippians 4:8: A Devotional Guide.


Rose Jordan BeneathTheFigTree

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I’m Rose and I’m so glad you’re here. Like, really a lot! 
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