Listening Prayers: Quiet the Soul and Learn to Hear God

I recently shared about Listening Prayers in the book I have coming out in a few weeks. And because I’ve been in a particularly weary season, I’ve sensed God inviting me to make it a regular part of my daily rhythms. It’s a way to help me slow down and quiet the chaos in my spirit. Today, I want to share how this practice can become a meaningful part of your devotional life too.

So, what is Listening Prayer?

Well, let’s start with a definition and an explanation:

Listening Prayer is a kind of prayer where we shift from talking to God to quietly listening for His voice. It’s a way of creating space in our hearts and minds to hear His heart, His guidance, and His wisdom.

Biblical Foundations of Listening Prayer​

All throughout the Bible, we find scripture highlighting the importance of listening to God.

Psalm 46:10 -Tells us to Be still, and know that He is God

In 1 Kings 19:11-12 , Elijah hears God in a gentle whisper

Our Scripture Cultivations list for this month includes several verses on listening to God. And for the last few months, Brandon and I have been focusing on Psalm 85:8, which says, ‘I will listen to what God the Lord says.’

That word “listen” means:

  • To hear with attention or interest
  • To give heed
  • To yield to
  • To obey

In his commentary, Charles Spurgeon said, “When we believe that God hears us, it is but natural that we should be eager to hear Him.” 

Psalm 85:8 says ‘I will listen to (or in some translations, hear) what God the Lord says.

Listening Prayer helps us train our ears to hear Him.

In most forms of prayer, we usually focus more on sharing our requests or even on giving thanks – both of which He invites us to do. But Listening Prayer is a sacred time where we pause in quiet stillness and create space for God to speak into our hearts. It’s a time for intentional listening, where we set aside our words and let God lead the conversation.

How to Practice Listening Prayer

Just like any devotional practice, there’s no one-size-fits all. So feel free to adjust and tweak any way you like. But I’ll walk you through the steps that have helped me.

  1. Find a Quiet Space

One of my little sayings, or “Figisms,” is “Quiet time doesn’t mean be quiet. It means get quiet.” But in the case of Listening Prayers, both are important. So, if possible, you’ll want to choose a place where you won’t be interrupted. Silence helps us tune in to God’s voice.

  1. Settle Your Mind and Heart

This is the “Get Quiet” part of Figism # 6.

Take a few deep breaths to help your body and mind relax. Let go of any distractions or worries. Once you’re feeling settled and ready to truly hear God, ask Him to speak to you.

  1. Invite God to Speak

There are no magic words here. Start with a simple prayer like, ‘Lord, I’m here, and I’m listening. I want to hear from You in this moment.’ This month’s Scripture Cultivations will include several helpful prompts to get started.

  1. Listen Intently

This is where we wait —in silence, turning our spiritual ears to God. You may hear a scripture, feel a gentle nudge, or sense God’s presence in a new way. You might see a glimpse of an image. A specific person or memory may come to mind.

Pay attention and don’t dismiss any of it no matter how seemingly small or random.

  1. Reflect and Respond

After you’ve listened, take a moment to reflect on what you heard, saw, or sensed. Jot down anything that stood out to you and consider how you’ll respond. If you’re unsure what God or how to respond, ask Him. I’ll have some suggestions for this in your Scripture Cultivations too.

3 Practical Tips for Listening Prayers

Now, let’s talk about some practical tips to

Keep a Journal
Journaling can really help you stay focused during Listening Prayer. Plus, provides a way to look back and see how God has been guiding you over time. As you write down what you sense God saying, it not only sharpens your spiritual ears but also builds a sense of expectancy. When you’re waiting with a pen in hand, you signal to yourself and to God that you expect God to speak to you!

Use Different Colored Pens
This is one of my favorite techniques! I like to use three different colored pens—one for my own questions, one for what I sense God is saying, and one for how I want to respond. The different colors make it clearer “who’s talking,” and it helps me better reflect on our conversation later. And if you’re visual, like me, the different colors help me remember the conversation better.

Tame the To-Do List
If your mind tends to fill up with to-do lists or random thoughts as soon as you sit down to pray, don’t worry—that’s totally normal! Just keep a separate piece of paper handy and jot those things down as they come up. This way, you can let them go and stay focused on hearing from God. I have a whole episode on working with Mr. To-Do List. Check out episode 4. It’s the first episode in the 10-Day Do Something Challenge series.

Common Challenges with Listening Prayers

Speaking of Challenges, let’s talk about a couple you’ll want to be prepared for when starting out with Listening Prayers.


  • First, know that it’s normal for your mind to wander. When that happens, gently bring your attention back to listening. If you find the distraction is something that you need to remember, again, go ahead and jot it down. That will free your mind to get back without worrying you’ll forget the task later.
  • And if you don’t hear anything right away, don’t be discouraged. Sometimes, God’s voice is in the waiting.

Making Listening Prayer a Regular Part of Your Devotional Life

Daily Devotion:

Listening Prayer doesn’t have to take hours of your day—it can be as simple as spending a few quiet minutes. You could begin your morning this way or use it to wind down in the evening. Those few moments of quiet, intentional listening can have a big impact.

Incorporate it into your routine:

You can also weave Listening Prayer into your other devotional practices. After reading scripture, pause and ask, “God, what do You want to say to me through this?” Then sit quietly, giving Him space to speak. Even if you’re not much of a journaler, writing down what you sense can be a powerful way to capture His whispers. You might be surprised by what unfolds on paper.

You can practice Listening Prayer when you’re making decisions or seeking direction, too. Ask God for guidance, and then pause to listen for His gentle voice. He loves to lead us when we’re still enough to hear.

Why It’s So Meaningful

Listening Prayer is such a simple but profound way to grow deeper in your relationship with God. It teaches us to slow down, to be still, and to trust that He is present and guiding us. Through this practice, we open our hearts to hear His wisdom, feel His presence, and rest in His love.

Special Invitations

If you found this episode helpful, I have a few resources for you:

  • Scripture Cultivations
    This month’s Scripture Cultivations includes verses on listening to God, practical steps for Listening Prayer, and tips to help you in your practice.
  • Guided Listening Prayer Meditations:

If you’d like to try this with me, join me in the Figs Community for Guided Listening Prayer Meditations each Thursday morning in October. If you can’t make it live, no worries. The replays will be there when you’re ready

  • My Upcoming Book, Journey to Joy:
    And lastly, the book I have coming out in a couple weeks, Journey to Joy. In it, I share seven different ways to slow down and turn your ordinary moments into extraordinary encounters with God. I’ll keep you posted on release details through my Figs List email and social media, so be sure we’re connected.

*Hint…you’ll WANT to be part of the Figs Community in some way because I’ll be giving away some copies of the book, seats to upcoming workshops, and news about the retreat I’m planning for 2025. 

You have lots of options! Start by printing off the Scripture Cultivations Plan for free.

Prefer listening? Tune in to our podcast episodes.

If visuals are your thing, catch us on YouTube for insightful videos.

And for some community vibes, grab a cuppa and hop over to the FIGS Community Facebook Group.

What are Scripture Cultivations?

If you’re new to the Figs Community, you may be wondering why I call them Scripture Cultivations  instead of a Scripture Writing Plan or Scripture Reading Plan. Hop on over to this page to find out more.


Rose Jordan BeneathTheFigTree

hey there!

I’m Rose and I’m so glad you’re here. Like, really a lot! 
I can’t wait to share loads of inspiration, tools and ideas to help you cultivate the kind of meaningful relationship with God you’ve always longed for but didn’t know how to make happen.
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