The Coming King: Making Room

She gave birth to her firstborn son, and she wrapped him tightly in cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Luke 2:7
Several years ago, I stumbled upon a recurring theme in my journal— a theme that would transform the way I approached my spiritual journey. This theme was woven into the fabric of “making space.” Making space for God in my life became a deliberate practice—a commitment to hear Him, to let Him move, and to be present in the stillness. In fact it was so prevalent, I thought I might one day write a book about the topic. Perhaps I still will.

Before Brandon and I made our home in the quiet haven of the state park, my favorite winter ritual involved sitting in the living room, enveloped by the warmth of the fire, with only the soft glow of white Christmas tree lights illuminating the room. It was a simple act that stilled me, inviting me to slow down and truly focus, to offer gratitude for the quiet moments and for all God has done in my life.

The reminder that the King has come, is here, and will come again echoed in my heart. Yet, amidst the clamor of the world, I found myself pondering a vital question: Have I allowed the noise, chaos, demands, and joys of this world to fill every nook and cranny, leaving no room for the profound experience of His presence? 
May I pose the same question to you?

making room for God's presence | Beneath The Fig Tree

As the Advent season approaches, bringing with it the anticipation of Christ’s birth, I am once again drawn to the theme of making space. This season is an invitation to prepare our hearts, much like the innkeepers who, unknowingly, had a chance to welcome the Savior into their midst.

And the three Wise Men who traveled to greet the newborn King.
And the shepherds who paused in their fields to witness the extraordinary.

In the quiet moments of reflection, I think about Mary and Joseph, who, in the humblest of settings, made space in their hearts and lives for the miraculous birth of Jesus. Their stories remind us that making space for the Jesus often involves surrender, humility, and a willingness to be receptive to the extraordinary in the midst of the ordinary.


Amid festive preparations and joyous chaos, can we intentionally make room for the divine?

Amid festive preparations and joyous chaos, can we intentionally make room for the divine? Can we cultivate a sacred stillness, a deliberate quietude amid the rush and clamor of life?

Advent challenges us to do just that—to create moments for prayer, meditation, and contemplation, actively listening for the whispers of God. This year, Brandon and I have established our home in the state park, surrounded by nature’s tranquility. Yet, my commitment to making space for the King remains unchanged.

Before the move, it was the soft glow of Christmas lights; now, it’s crackling of a campfire and the whispers of the wind.

As we delve into the Scripture Cultivations for Advent each day, I invite you to join me in this personal and intentional act of making space for the King. Whether it’s through scripture, moments of quiet reflection, or acts of kindness mirroring the love embodied in the Christmas story, let’s carve out space for God in our lives.

I extend this invitation not just for Advent but as a transformative practice that stretches beyond the holiday season. Let’s navigate this journey of making space together—a journey that opens our hearts to the profound reality of the King who has come, is here, and will come again.

May this Advent season be a time of coziness, reflection, and a heartfelt welcome for the King into the quiet spaces of our lives.

making room for Jesus | Beneath The Fig Tree


  1. In the spirit of “making space,” what elements from the stories of the innkeepers, wise men, shepherds, Mary, and Joseph resonate with your own journey of preparing for the arrival of the divine in your life? How might their experiences inspire your practices during Advent?
  2. Have you allowed the noise, chaos, demands, and joys of this world to fill every nook and cranny, leaving no room for the profound experience of His presence in your life? 


As the Advent season draws near, may you come with open hearts and with spirits willing to receive. May the Holy Spirit guide you as you seek ways to make intentional space for Jesus.

As you read the stories of the innkeepers, wise men, shepherds, Mary and Joseph, may their experiences illuminate your own. And may this be a season when His Presence envelops you with love and light and hope.

You have lots of options! Start by printing off the Scripture Cultivations Plan for free.

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And for some community vibes, grab a cuppa and hop over to the FIGS Community Facebook Group.

What are Scripture Cultivations?

If you’re new to the Figs Community, you may be wondering why I call them Scripture Cultivations  instead of a Scripture Writing Plan or Scripture Reading Plan. Hop on over to this page to find out more.


Rose Jordan BeneathTheFigTree

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I’m Rose and I’m so glad you’re here. Like, really a lot! 
I can’t wait to share loads of inspiration, tools and ideas to help you cultivate the kind of meaningful relationship with God you’ve always longed for but didn’t know how to make happen.
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