Who God Says You Are

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

Jeremiah 1:5

Who God Says You Are

Standing crouched in the outfield, my small son of only 10 or so caught an incoming ball. Proud of himself, he looked to me in the stands to make sure I witnessed his triumph. I did and returned his glance with a smile and a thumbs up…as moms do. 

A bit later, a runner was rounding the bases and unsure what he should do, Dakota looked up at me for direction. Later still, he’d made another move he was proud of and in looking to me to cheer him on, he was almost beaned in the head by the next flying ball.

Pointing two fingers to my eyes and then to his coach, I gestured for him to keep his eyes on his coach. 

In that moment, I knew it was time to start releasing him, to encourage him to seek direction from someone who knows the game better than I do, someone with a clearer view of the field and the plays.

A few years later, Dakota left for the army and I was broken. Both, because I would miss him terribly and because I had some fears and regrets about this direction for his life. Even now, the memory of that season brings tears. It was so hard. But during a time of prayer, shortly after Dakota shipped out, God reminded me of that day in the stands. 

Now, it was time for me to truly let him go so he could learn who he was and what he as capable of for himself.

It seems so much easier to look to those around us for identity and acceptance. These are people with skin on. People with faces we can see and voices we can hear. But they don’t hold the key to our identity, our purpose, or our destiny. Only God does.

Who God Says I Am | Beneath The Fig Tree

So, my friend, may I encourage you today to ask the One who created you and knows you best to show you who are really are? Release yourself from the chains of seeking validation from others and instead seek it from the One who truly matters. 

Dive into Scripture and ask Holy Spirit to show you how God sees you. Seek out the verses that reveal who God says you are. Explore the scriptures that speak of your worth, your purpose, and your identity in Him. Allow His words to shape your understanding of yourself and to illuminate the incredible person you were created to be.

For our Scripture Cultivations this month, we’re going to flip things around. Instead of me sending you a completed Scripture Cultivations list, we’re going to create one together. 

Here’s how that’s going to work:

  1. As you find scripture that speak to our identities, drop them in the comments of either the YouTube Video or on the post in the Figs Community Facebook group.
  2. At the end of the month, I’ll compile this list and email them back out in August.
    *If you aren’t already on the Figs List and you want to get a copy of the Scripture Cultivations when they’re done, you can join the list at the link below.

You have lots of options! Start by printing off the Scripture Cultivations Plan for free.

Prefer listening? Tune in to our podcast episodes.

If visuals are your thing, catch us on YouTube for insightful videos.

And for some community vibes, grab a cuppa and hop over to the FIGS Community Facebook Group.

What are Scripture Cultivations?

If you’re new to the Figs Community, you may be wondering why I call them Scripture Cultivations  instead of a Scripture Writing Plan or Scripture Reading Plan. Hop on over to this page to find out more.


Rose Jordan BeneathTheFigTree

hey there!

I’m Rose and I’m so glad you’re here. Like, really a lot! 
I can’t wait to share loads of inspiration, tools and ideas to help you cultivate the kind of meaningful relationship with God you’ve always longed for but didn’t know how to make happen.
Beneath The Fig Tree mail

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